Ms project sample mpx files
Ms project sample mpx files

ms project sample mpx files

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ms project sample mpx files

For more information about MPX files, refer to article # at DATA MAPPINGS DURING P6 EPPM EXPORT File Creation no Record number MPX,Primavera Systems,4.0,ANSI Currency Settings Record 10 P6 EPPM P6 EPPM Table P6 EPPM Table MPX Currency Symbol curr_symbol CURRTYPE Currency Symbol Positive Currency Format pos_curr_fmt_type CURRTYPE Symbol Position (0 = after, 1 = before, 2 = after with a space, 3 = before with a space) Number of Decimal Places decimal_digit_cnt CURRTYPE Currency Digits (0,1,2) Digit Grouping Symbol digit_group_symbol CURRTYPE Thousands Separator Decimal Symbol decimal_symbol CURRTYPE Decimal Separator The currency settings exported are based on the currency selected in the User Preferences, Currency tab in P6 EPPM. Important! Due to slight variations in how P6 EPPM and Microsoft Project calculate units and costs, values for units and costs may not be identical when exchanging data between P6 EPPM and Microsoft Project. The second section describes the mappings when an MPX file is imported into P6 EPPM. The first section describes the mappings when a project is exported from P6 EPPM. Therefore, some information may be lost when importing and exporting.

ms project sample mpx files

Although the data mapping between both products is as close as possible for the purpose of import/export, P6 EPPM was not designed to be another Microsoft Project. 1 MPX data mappings for P6 EPPM and Microsoft Project The following tables describe the data exchange mapping between P6 EPPM and Microsoft Project.

Ms project sample mpx files